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Face Filter Android App

Google Mobile Vision library is used to detect the facial postions.Then image filters are placed and scaled according to the face radius

Rubik’s Cube Solver

Scanned a scrambled Rubik’s cube,and made a Rubik’s cube solver GUI to demonstrate the moves to solve the cube.

Autonmous Navigation using Navigation Stack

Navigates autonomously from one location to another within the map provided.

Lane Following Using Visual Sensor

Divided the input image into matrix and assigned weights to each rows and columns and according to these weights multiplied by the pixel intensities ,the turning angle for the robot is calculated.

Maze Solver Robot Simulation in Netlog

Uses Right-hand on wall algorithm to solve the maze 

Navigation using single 
Visual Camera

Autonomous navigation to natural landmarks  in outdoor situation with the use of a single camera and parabolic mirror to get the 360 field of view.

Multi-Focus Image Fusion 
Using deep CNN

To obtain an all-in-focus image by fusing multiple images of the same scene taken with different focal settings using Deep CNN

Virtual Freehand Drawing Pad

Provided Real time In Air Freehand Drawing experience.
Added utility track-bar to change color, size

and a tool to erase.

Autonmous Navigation using Navigation Stack

Navigates autonomously from one location to another within the map provided.

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